Common mistakes made by TEFL teachers

What mistakes do English teachers make? You might be surprised that even teachers make mistakes – but it can happen to all of us! If you are aware of these common mistakes in teaching English, you can try your best not to make them!

Common mistake #1: Being nervous

Students can smell fear! Okay, we’re just kidding but they can most certainly see nerves. Always remember you are the teacher, so you need to act like you are in charge – because you are.

Common mistakes #2: Talking too much

This could be the result of nerves or maybe you’re just a chatterbox. But when you’re in the classroom, you must remember that your students are the ones who need to practise their language skills and the classroom is the best time and place to do it.

Common mistake #3: Not being a good model

As the English teacher, you need to be sure that the language you are using is authentic, natural English in the classroom. Try not to use too much slang or colloquial language which your students may not experience outside the classroom. Also, be sure to grade your language effectively to accommodate the English level of your learners.

Common mistake #4: Not being flexible

Of course we all know we need to step into the classroom with a lesson plan. But this doesn’t mean this lesson plan is the be-all-and-end-all of your lesson. You may need to tweak your lesson plan based on the reactions of your students. This is not only a good idea, but it’s the key to teaching a good lesson.

Common mistake #5: Forgetting about meaning

As language teachers, it can be easy to focus on the form of language, and pay less attention to the meaning of the language. However, language is learned effectively through meaning. In other words, we should look at meaning first, and then look at form.

These are a few common mistakes made in teaching English. Head to the blog to find out more!

Read more: Common Mistakes In Teaching English

Updated on January 6, 2023

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