Classroom Layout In The TEFL Classroom

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There are many factors that need to be considered when planning and carrying out an English as a Foreign Language (EFL) lesson: the content of the lesson, the needs of the learners, the level of the learners, time constraints and timetable fit, just to name a few. But something which is actually quite important is often ignored: classroom layout.

Most teachers probably don’t think twice about the layout of their classroom, but it can actually have a big impact on a classroom activity. Sometimes the success of an activity or game can hinge on something as simple as how the desks are organised in the classroom or where your students are sitting. So, bearing this in mind, here are a few ideas on how to make the layout of your English classroom work for you.


When doing tests, arranging the desks so that each learner has his or her individual space encourages independent working. Usually in a TEFL classroom we encourage communication and working together to foster collaborative learning, so separating the learners for tests or exams will emphasise the fact that each learner needs to work independently.

Students taking an exam with a suitable classroom layout


Arranging the desks so that groups can work together but separately from other groups helps the learners to bond as a group. Physically separating the groups enforces the fact that the groups should work together. If the groups are too close to each other, the feeling of unity within the group won’t be as strong.

Students working in a group


When doing a speaking activity, it can be useful to take the desks out of the equation. Useful language can be boarded so that the learners do not need their notebooks for the activity. In this way the seating arrangement will mirror that of a real conversation, instead of being a classroom activity. This will encourage your students to speak more freely, rather than simply following instructions to complete an activity.

Different classroom layout options

The U-shape (semi-circle or horseshoe) is a popular layout for board work and talking; it is also a very friendly layout because the students can easily see and communicate with each other.  In the event that the ESL class is large, two U-shapes can be used: thus producing a front and back U-shape.

Some ESL teachers may think that the circle is not an effective classroom layout because with the teacher sitting in the middle of the circle: half the class will be facing the teacher’s back. The fault with this argument is that the teacher doesn’t have to sit in the middle of the circle: the teacher should sit on the circumference along with the students. This arrangement is very effective for games, discussions, and debates: one team can sit on the left of the teacher and the other team on the right.

Nested tables are most appropriate for group work: especially project work. The tables should be pushed together to form continuous square/rectangular surfaces made up of two or four desks, and the students should sit in such a way that they are side on to the front of the classroom.

The great advantage of traditional rows is that a lot of students can be accommodated in a relatively small classroom. If you are forced to use this arrangement, make sure that there is plenty of space to walk between and behind the rows of desks. The only other benefits of this classroom layout are that ‘traditional rows’ facilitate pair work and test/exams can be effectively conducted. It should always be borne in mind: a bad classroom layout can inhibit and frustrate effective learning.

Even though there may be constraints on what you can do to change your classroom layout, sometimes a simple change can have a big impact on the lesson. Besides offering a change of scenery, a seating plan can encourage certain modes of working. So the next time you are planning an activity, consider for a few moments how the seating arrangement in the classroom can be modified to help you accomplish your aims.

Student making conversation with others

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