Focus On Asia For TEFL Teachers

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Asia has long been a popular country for tourists and TEFL teachers. This massive continent is a place where you can experience spiritualism and tranquillity, or noise and chaos. Each country in Asia has a fascinating history, intriguing culture, exotic food and breath-taking views.

Luckily for TEFL teachers the people of Asia are keen to learn English. This means there are jobs available all over the continent for new and more experienced TEFL teachers.

Countries in Asia for TEFL Teachers to  choose from:

  • Thailand
  • South Korea
  • Japan
  • Vietnam
  • China
  • Taiwan


If you want to experience city life in Thailand, then apply for a job as a TEFL teacher in Bangkok. You can see Temples, try tasty street food and wonder around the markets. Or you could head for the cities of Chiang Mai or Phuket. If you prefer a quieter destination try Koh Samui on the coast or go inland to Isaan.

South Korea

Seoul is the capital of South Korea. It’s a vibrant city with plenty to see and do. If you like the sound of a busy port city apply for a job as a TEFL teacher in Busan. Another busy city to try is Daegu. It’s a lively place with good transport links and a growing ex-pat community.


If you want a job as a TEFL teacher in Japan, you might be lucky and have your airfare and apartment included. Although the cost of living is higher than other parts of Asia you will still be able to live comfortably. TEFL teachers are needed in all of Japan’s major cities. Tokyo is a modern, vibrant city that’s also vert popular with tourists. Other locations include Fukuoka, Kobe, Osaka and Kyoto.


If you really want to get away from the Western World, then get a job as a TEFL teacher in Vietnam. It’s a fascinating place with a totally different culture. Busy locations include Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City) and Hanoi. If you prefer to be on the coast have a look at Haiphong and Daang.


If you have a University Degree as well as your TEFL Academy qualification you can be a TEFL teacher in China. It has a rich and varied culture which you can experience during your time working there. The most famous cities are Beijing and Shanghai. You can also work in the popular tourist area of Xi’an, home of the Terracotta Warriors. Yangzhou, Harbin and Guilin are also places where you can find work teaching English.


If you like to experience life on an Asian island there are jobs for TEFL teachers in Taiwan. It’s capital, Taipei is perfect if you enjoy city living. Other big cities include Kaohsiung City in the South and Pingtung City in the North. If you want to live in a smaller city there’s Taichung which is in Western Taiwan.

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