Solo Traveller? Don’t Panic!

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Is solo travel lonely? Is solo travelling fun? Is solo travelling safe?

These are just a few of the common questions we get asked about solo travelling. So we thought we’d share with you our top reasons why you should travel solo. 

What is solo travelling?

First of all, what exactly is solo travelling? Solo travelling is when an individual travels for leisure alone. In other words, they don’t travel with friends or family. 

Solo travelling is not necessarily the same as single travelling or travelling as a single person. It is possible to solo travel while in a relationship – or even while married!

Some people solo travel by choice, while others end up solo travelling because of circumstances. Maybe your bestie can’t get the same time of work, or your partner doesn’t have enough cash right now. Either way, there’s no reason to panic if you’re a solo traveller.

A solo traveller plans a trip with a map

Read more: 7 Destinations For Solo Travellers

If you’re thinking, how awesome can your experiences really be if you’ve got no one to share them with, then you need to think again. There are loads of reasons travelling solo is a great idea. Here are just a few:

You will meet people

If you’re worried about the loneliness aspect of travelling alone, don’t be. Being a solo traveller is the best way to meet people and make friends. If you’re in a couple – albeit as partners or friends – people may assume that you want to spend all your time together. If you are alone they are likely to ask you if you would like to join them for dinners, drinks, and other adventures. 

You can choose your holiday destinations

It can be tricky to organise trips for more than one person. The first step, of course, is deciding where you want to go! Travelling alone you can pick any destination you want. And while you’re there, you can decide exactly where you want to go and what you want to do – and where you want to eat!

Solo travelling is easier

Travelling in big groups can be a real pain when it comes to buying plane tickets or bus tickets – or any kind of transport. Finding seats together or even on the same flight can sometimes be impossible. But if you’re travelling alone, you don’t have that problem. 

You’ll pick up the language quicker

If you’re in a foreign country, you might not understand the language you hear around you every day. Learning the local language is one of the best ways to integrate into a community and feel more at home. If you’re alone, you’re more likely to push yourself to learn the language because you’ll need it for everyday communication. However, if you’re in a couple you could spend all your time speaking English to them, when you could be learning another language!

How solo travel changes you

Solo travel frees you from expectations. It gives you confidence in yourself and your capabilities. It allows you to express yourself however you want. You get to know your true self, as cheesy as that sounds! 

A solo traveller exploring  Angkor Wat in Cambodia

 Read more: How To Protect Yourself While Travelling Solo

Why TEFL is the perfect solo travel job

Travelling the world and earning money as you go may sound like the dream, but the reality of it can be a lot different than what you imagine. Of course there are the exotic destinations, amazing adventures and fun times to be had, but what if you are travelling alone? 

Teaching English abroad is the perfect way for you to experience solo travelling. 

The first option is to embark on your TEFL adventure as an individual. Many people choose to go and teach with a friend or a partner, but you can totally do it alone. When you arrive at your TEFL destination, you’ll only have yourself to rely on and it can be a steep learning curve but it’ll be well worth it.

You’ll make friends in no time and, as a solo traveller, you’ll integrate into your community much quicker.

The other option is to go abroad with a friend or partner, but take a solo holiday. Some teachers enjoy working on summer camps during their vacations to pick up some extra cash, but maybe you want to free yourself from the classroom for a few weeks and set off on your own adventure! 

Don’t let the idea of travelling alone put you off a career teaching English abroad. Travelling solo is nothing to be scared of. Try it – you might find you enjoy it more than you expected!

A solo traveller enjoying the view


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