Teaching English Abroad As A Single Parent

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Teaching English abroad is often considered the domain of the young and single, or the young and coupled up. While it is certainly true that a large percentage of TEFL teachers around the world are young(ish), this by no means means that there isn’t a place for older teachers, married teachers or even teachers with children, married or not. 

We know by now that teaching in the same school as your partner is totally possible – or, at the very least the same city. We’ve also discussed how it’s possible to teach English abroad as a married couple, and still stay married;-)

Read more: Can We Teach English Abroad as a Couple?

Now let’s look at the issue of children. We all love kids and all, but they can make our lives pretty complicated, can’t they? All of a sudden we have to think of somebody else besides ourselves and our responsibility levels go through the roof. Nights in a dirty backpackers aren’t so appealing anymore, and neither are long hours at work. 

So children can make things challenging but it can be even more complicated than that. It’s one thing teaching English abroad with children as a family, but it can be a totally different ball game if you are a single parent, which is a reality for many people. So let’s look at the different factors affecting how you can teach English abroad as a single parent.

Teaching English Abroad as a Single Parent

The other parent

The first issue, of course, is the other parent. It is recommended that the travelling parent obtain written consent from the other parent if there is a shared custody arrangement or a relationship with the child. Airport officials can be a bit sticky when it comes to children travelling with only one parent so make sure you have all the paperwork necessary when you fly, just to be on the safe side. 


Probably the biggest consideration when it comes to teaching English abroad as a single parent is the money. With two parents teaching it’s easily possible to support a family, just as it is with other professions. But when there is only one income it becomes a different matter. 

There are certain countries where you wouldn’t earn enough as a TEFL teacher to support a child, unfortunately. However, all this means is that you need to be a bit selective when deciding where you want to teach. Choosing countries like South Korea or Saudi Arabia which offer attractive packages is a good idea, as you may be able to secure a good salary, as well as allowances for flights and accommodation. 

If you find a job which offers you flights and accommodation, be upfront with the school as to your situation so you can discuss the logistics of including dependants in your package. 

Family packing for a trip


What is going to be best for your child in terms of education depends on which country you’re teaching in. It might be possible for your child to attend a public school but the language issue may make this difficult. This also depends on the age of your child. Usually in bigger cities where there are many expats, there are international schools which cater for expat children. This could be a good reason to look into countries which have large expat communities so you can be sure the community is well-established – such as Thailand, Hong Kong, Dubai, Argentina and many European countries. The downside of international schools are the high price tags but it’s possible to find jobs which will contribute if not sponsor your children’s education.


If your child is not yet at school, you will need to find out about the different childcare options available to you. Again this will differ according to where you are. In some countries, it’s customary to send young children to a crèche or daycare. In others you might be able to find an au pair to look after your child while you’re working. The good thing about teaching abroad is that your hours are not your usual 9 to 5 so you could finish early in the afternoon, but the negative is that you could be working evenings or weekends. 


If you are going to be in a non-English speaking country, many people might worry about how your child will cope at school and in the community without speaking the language. How will they make friends? How will they get around? Well the simple answer is that they will do exactly the same as you. Children are remarkably adaptable and should have no problem socializing and acclimatizing to their new environment. Linguistically, immersion is known to be the best way to learn a language so simply being surrounded by the language means your children should pick it up relatively easily. In fact, you are providing your child with the perfect opportunity to learn a skill which will benefit them for the rest of their lives. 

Read more: Skills You’ll Pick Up Teaching English

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Teaching English abroad with children is not only completely doable but it’s an amazing opportunity for your children. What it means for you is that you need to be quite picky when deciding where to apply for jobs and careful when accepting a position. Always be very upfront with your school about your situation so that you don’t waste anyone’s time. At the end of the day, teaching English abroad is the same as any other job so your considerations if you have children will be the same if you were moving abroad for any other career. 

But teaching English abroad is not the only  option available to TEFL teachers who are single parents. Teaching English online is a flexible and convenient job for single moms and dads. There are numerous online jobs for single moms, and teaching English can definitely be a consideration. With no time stuck in traffic and the option of choosing your own hours, teaching English online means you can be available whenever your child needs you.

Read more: Teach English Online


Single parent, child is 6, I am 40. Wanting to teach overseas, can you send me some information on jobs that help pay for upfront cost ?

Jody Dallis, 16th December 2020

Hello, I am very interested in a position overseas as a single parent. I would love to have more information please

Susana M., 1st November 2020

I would like to inquire about teaching abroad however, i have 3 children and i would like to take them with and still save. If i am not able to make money to save, i will look at leaving my children in South Africa with family while i complete my contract. PLease may you advise.

Tarryn Woodroffe, 17th October 2020

Hi Please could I have more information. I am a law graduate and I am 32 with a 13 year old daughter and a single parent. I would like a list of recommenced countries I could try which would be suitable for us.

Jorden Buxton, 20th June 2020

Please send me more information. Preferably from places where I would be able to afford to travel with my child and afford it. Thank you in advance.

Alverina, 8th June 2020

Please send me more information

Elmarie, 4th March 2020

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