Teaching English In Africa

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Africa, the world’s most populated continent is a mystery to the majority. Then why not be one of the lucky few who get to travel, explore and live in this truly special part of the world and be an English teacher in Africa? It can seem a little daunting, but here we’ll give you some top tips about how to make the move and be a part of amazing Africa.

Africa consists of over fifty four countries, so you really are spoiled for choice when it comes to places to teach. Given the huge expanse, you first need to decide where you want to teach. Given the social and economic conditions in Africa, many of the more rural areas aren’t equipped with western luxuries. However such lifestyles are possible in large cities such as Nairobi and Morocco. So it’s wise to decide if you want to be in the city or not before you start looking for a teaching job in Africa.

Once you’ve decided on a country and a location which suits you, the next challenge is securing a teaching position. Though teaching in any African country is possible, South Africa, Rwanda, Senegal, Morocco and Kenya are the most popular. This shouldn’t put you off seeking out other countries, but these listed are used to having foreign language teachers, and thus the process is often smoother. 

Given the economic landscape, many of the teaching positions that are available in Africa are on a volunteer basis. However, this isn’t to say that you can’t find paid positions, but a degree and some experience, along with your TEFL qualification will be required to make money. Africa is not a place to save; rather your salary will enable you to live a modest lifestyle.

Though you can head to a country and look for work while you’re there, this method of seeking employment really isn’t as easy as it can be in other countries. Therefore it is advisable to arrange your job before leaving home. There are several ways in which you can do this, either by contacting language centres, school and universities directly, or by using a third party such as an organization or charity. There are many services out there, some which make profit and some who don’t; it’s worth doing your research if you want to avoid paying for a job placement where the money does not go where you would wish.

Africa is a truly special place to teach English, all you need is a sense of adventure and you too could be experiencing it in no time at all!

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