English Language Teacher

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Date Posted: 12th July 2023

We are a long established school with students of all ages from the town of Scalea and surrounding area

Italy > via T. Minniti 23 Scalea (CS) I|talia


  • Salary
    800+ euros per month including private apartment
  • Degree Required
  • Recruiter
    The English School
  • Description
    Each year, English-speaking assistant teachers are hired to work at The English School. While these teachers have an enormous contribution to make to the school, they also have a lot to gain from the experience. Most notably, during the eight-month period, while acquiring valuable teaching experience, they also have a rare opportunity to come into close and prolonged contact with the culture of Calabria, which is unique and distinct from that of the better-known north of Italy. On weekends, if they choose to take advantage of good, inexpensive rail service, they can come to know the beautiful and historic Calabria very well. Again, if they are prepared to make the effort, they have an opportunity to learn Italian, and to make friends and have fun in the process. Unlike most tourists, these teachers have an opportunity to become a part of the country they visit.
  • Benefits
    The salary is guaranteed for the full 8 months including all holidays
    A fully-equipped private apartment within walking distance of the school is included
  • Requirements
    TEFL level 5
  • Date Posted
    13th July 2023

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