How long will it take me to find a TEFL job?

This is one of the most commonly asked questions: how long will it take me to find a TEFL job after I am qualified? Unfortunately, there is no magic number that we can give you, because the answer depends on a number of factors.

Where do you want to teach?

If you want to apply for TEFL jobs in the school system, do some research as to when the academc year starts in the particular country you’re considering. Different countries have different peak hiring seasons depending on the school terms.

However, if you want to work in a language school or academy, they generally take in TEFL teachers throughout the year.

Of course, independent TEFL teachers can find private students whenever they want. This can be a good way of getting some teaching experience while you are job hunting.

If you are looking for a job teaching English online, there is no reason why you can’t find a job immediately. Many online companies offer a quick application and on-boarding process, so you could be invited for an interview even a few days after sending in your application.

How much time do you have?

Applying for jobs can be a time-consuming process. Looking for appropriate jobs, customising your CV, writing a relevant cover letter – these all take time. If you are highly motivated and have the time to dedicate to your job search, your timeline for finding a TEFL job will be shorter than if your time is limited.

In short, it is possible to find a job within a few weeks of completing your TEFL course. It’s also possible to find private students or teach online while you are looking for a more full-time position. If you are looking to teach abroad, you will need around two to three months to sort out the necessary visas and paperwork to be able to travel abroad anyway, so you will need to factor this into your equation as well.

But here’s a handy hint: many TEFL trainees start looking for and applying for jobs before they have finished their TEFL qualification. There is no reason not to do this. With any course, you should know when you are aiming to finish. When applying for TEFL jobs, you can make that clear in your cover letter. Bearing in mind that you often apply for TEFL jobs a few weeks or months before the start date, it makes sense that this is common practice.

Read more: How Quickly Can I Become Certified And Begin Teaching English Abroad?

Updated on December 8, 2022

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