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Jobseekers need to be aware that this job board operates as a job advertiser/ introducer only and does not employ candidates directly. We do not maintain close working relationships with our advertisers and therefore we are unable to:

  • • obtain confirmation of the identity of an employer or recruiter or the accuracy of the role advertised;
  • • take any steps to ensure the jobseeker are aware of any requirement imposed by law or otherwise which must be satisfied by either of them to permit the jobseeker to fulfil the position to be filled;
  • • take any steps to ensure that it would not be detrimental to the interests of the jobseeker to fulfil the position to be filled;
  • • take up any references in relation to a jobseeker; or,
  • • make any arrangements for accommodation, travel or VISAs of jobseekers.

We recommend that all jobseekers:

Check the identity of the employer/recruiter and the nature of its business, the commencement date and duration of the position, the type of work, location, hours and risks to health and safety, experience, training, qualifications and authorisation which the recruiter considers necessary or are required by law to undertake the position, whether any expenses are payable by you as a jobseeker or whether there are any requirements imposed by law or otherwise for you to satisfy before taking up a position.

In order to process your job application you must agree to the following:

  • • I agree to my data being stored on The TEFL Academy database of applicants in line with their Privacy Policy. Such data may include name, email address, CV, cover letter, telephone number and information relating to qualification/level.
  • • I agree to the sharing of my data with the employer or recruiter responsible for recruitment for this role.
  • • I understand that it is my sole responsibility to arrange any documents or work VISAs required for any role.
  • • I understand that an application has no guarantee of success and it is up to the discretion of the employer or recruiter whether to communicate any reasons for non-acceptance.
  • • I understand it is my responsibility to ensure the suitability of the employer or role. I agree and accept that it shall be solely responsible for such verification and suitability confirmation. The TEFL Academy holds no responsibility for the employment being unsuitable for any reason.

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