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Australia Job Listings

Famous for its sun, surf and sand, Australia is also home to extraordinary wildlife, natural wonders and of course ‘the bush’ and ‘the outback’. Finding an ESL job in Australia can work as the perfect foundation for the traveller looking to explore down under. Before you arrive it is easy to forget just what a massive place it is; but then you remember that it is a continent unto itself. Head into the centre of the country and you come across the famous Uluru (Ayer’s Rock), which is really no more than a humungous rock stuck in the middle of a flat desert, and that is exactly what makes it so fascinating. As you continue to head north, though, you find yourself in lush, green rainforests with beautiful waterfalls and the sounds of the forest to keep you company.

TEFL teachers who love sports will have no shortage of things to keep them busy in Australia; the Aussies are mad about their sports. Swimming, cricket, Aussie rules, union, league, soccer, whatever it is you want to enjoy, the chances are you can, but watch out if you challenge a local as the chances are they are pretty good at it! Afterwards you can light up a barbeque and crack open a good Aussie beer for an authentic Australian dining experience. The size, wonder and fact Australia has built an industry supporting the budget backpacker make it a great place to teach for a period before setting off on your travels.

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As well as shaking paws with koalas and kangaroos, or exploring the outback and natural wonders the country has to offer, there are also the fantastic beaches and fabulous urbanised areas too. The Sydney Opera House and its harbour make Sydney one of the most recognisable cities in the world and along with Melbourne, are often voted among the best places in the world to live. And whilst there are hundreds of fantastic beaches all around the country and especially the Gold Coast, are there many people who haven’t dreamed of one day surfing on Bondi Beach? Australia is a popular destination for students from Asia looking to learn English, both on short and long stays. This means you can expect many of your EFL students to be from Japan, South Korea, China and the Pacific Rim countries.

As a TEFL teacher you will find students from these countries are typically very studious, but can take a while to build up the confidence to speak. Additionally, the Adult Migrant Education Program implemented by the state means that there are also plenty of migrants from various countries around the globe looking to improve their English through ESL classes. All of the major cities have language schools and offer the opportunity not just to teach, but also to take students on excursions.

In order to teach you will need to have a valid work permit and most schools will also require you to have a Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (TAA), which needs to be studied for at an Australian college. The fact that there is no shortage of TEFL teachers from Australia and New Zealand means that you will typically need specialised ESL skills or qualifications in order to work legally if you are not from Australasia.

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