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Bulgaria Job Listings

A TEFL job in Bulgaria? Some hate the experience and some love it. As with most things in life, your own experience teaching ESL or EFL will be what you make it. On the whole, Bulgaria is a pleasant place to teach – a breathtaking shoreline along the Black Sea, myriad ski resorts, enchanting countryside and upscale nightclubs are just a few of the attractions drawing TEFL teachers to Bulgaria.

A degree is not a strict requirement to obtain a TEFL job in Bulgaria, but your chances of finding a job are significantly improved if you do have one. TEFL, ESL or EFL certification is highly recommended and highly regarded, as is some TEFL experience. The peak times for recruiting are in January and September and the typical contract is for eight months. This applies to the average TEFL job in Bulgaria. You may want to start your job search with some of the larger, franchised language schools in Sofia and Varna. As well, be sure to contact the TFCEE, a non-profit organisation affiliated with the Bulgarian Education Ministry. They are mandated to supply teachers to universities and high schools.

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Should you be planning to visit with a view to finding a TEFL job in Bulgaria, you can enter Bulgaria as a tourist. Once you find a job, your employer can assist you in the process of obtaining a work visa. Your passport must be valid for a full three months past your stay. And, of course, you must be in possession of a return ticket. Requirements do change, however, and you would be well advised to contact your nearest Bulgarian Consulate or Embassy for up-to-date entry requirements.

After the fall of the Iron Curtain, the transition to a market economy, with its resulting economic growth and a move to Westernisation, resulted in a change of mindset in Eastern Europe, particularly in the business world where English became a prerequisite for a successful career. English nudged Russian out as the most popular foreign language to study. This has resulted in a need for English teachers – presenting many opportunities for teachers of ESL and EFL to secure a job in Bulgaria. A degree and relevant teaching experience and/or a certificate are a must in order to teach business professionals in Bulgaria’s language schools. An interesting fact concerning the students you will encounter is the announcement by Mensa International that Bulgarian students rank second in the world in SAT scores and average IQ. The majority of your students will have been studying English for several years and are probably more skilled in English grammar than the average TEFL teacher – so you may want to spend a little time brushing up on your grammar skills before your first class.

Most language schools provide living accommodation as well as a minimal level of health care coverage. The average salary for a TEFL job in Bulgaria ranges from approximately US $460 to $715, compared to average living costs of around US $285.

Do not expect to save a lot of money. Do expect to leave with many good memories.

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