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Croatia Job Listings

As a part of the former Yugoslavia, it should be stated from the outset that finding an ESL or EFL job in Croatia is considerably easier if you are coming from an English-speaking European Union country.

That said, should you be coming from outside the EU, it is not a hopeless endeavour to attempt to find a teaching job if you are qualified and experienced. A common complaint of Croatian employers is that quite often the teachers they do hire are not well versed in teaching English – especially in matters related to grammar, idiom usage, linguistics, classroom management and related issues. As a result, teaching jobs in public schools and institutions of higher learning tend to be restricted to those with master’s degrees, considerable experience and impeccable references. In short, they are looking for seasoned professionals. A bare minimum of a BA, a TEFL certificate (most schools require at least a CELTA) and little or no experience is not likely to land you a job with these schools, where salaries range upward from US $2000 per month.

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Private language centres tend to be less selective and offer both part- and full-time employment, although part time does seem to be preferred, leading many teachers to take on two or more part-time teaching jobs. The same caveat applies to these centres as applies to the public schools – non-EU teachers have a difficult time getting a legal work visa, unless they are planning on marrying a local. There is also still a preference for experienced teachers – even if it has only been in a volunteer position working with newly arrived immigrants back home. Any type of teaching experience goes a long way to showing prospective employers that you are serious about teaching, something which will help stand you apart from the usual crowd of backpackers they are used to interviewing. The majority of these schools do their hiring for the autumn semester during the months of July, August and September, but it does not hurt to start contacting them earlier in the year.

The average salary ranges from USD $600 to $1200 per month. Working hours vary at these schools, and teachers are often required to work six days a week. The salary may seem quite low, but the cost of living is much less than in Western Europe. However, you may find that to make ends meet you have to live in shared accommodation, if none is provided by your employer. Most employers will help you with obtaining your work visa. While Croatian employers would like to meet face to face with their teachers, this is not a requirement, and most will be content with a telephone call or Skype interview.

English is now the official second language of Croatia, and while the demand for native-speaking teachers is now on the increase, you can still expect a long search in order to find something you deem suitable. If you are relatively new to the field, avoid disappointment by not setting your expectations too high.

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