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Israel Job Listings

TEFL jobs in Israel are certainly increasing, though finding these positions without an intermediary body can at times prove difficult.

In terms of state-run schools, there is a definite demand for English teachers due to mandatory government requirements for the language to be taught from a young age. The Ministry of Education is extremely involved in attracting potential teachers to the country, but while this may sound promising, it should be noted that the requirements for filling these roles are extremely strict. Even ESL teachers with a degree and a strong TEFL qualification may not be deemed worthy of undergoing the examinations and coursework required to find acceptable candidates.

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It is advisable, therefore, to focus on finding work with private academies. Such academies predominantly look for ESL teachers in possession of a degree, while those who have also obtained a 120-hour-plus TEFL qualification will certainly be favoured during the hiring process.

Such private academies are usually well run, with more than adequate resources and a comfortable work environment. A typical working week may mean working for between 20 and 25 hours, many of which may be early in the morning or in the evening. Salaries are not especially high in contrast to European or Asian salaries, though it is still possible to live in relative comfort. Teaching private lessons to individuals is a popular way to support yourself in Israel, with many adults hoping to improve their level of English.

Business English is also popular within the country. Tourism and international trade has meant there has been an increased interest in the language, and ESL teachers interested in utilising their teaching skills in diverse professional environments may do so here. Such opportunities can again supplement salaries, but also offer valuable experience to strengthen a CV.

TEFL jobs in Israel usually commence in September and end in late June. It would be advisable, therefore, to begin your search for work around May, when schools and academies will be aware of staff departures and when a majority of new positions will be posted. Though some academies may state that they would like a face-to-face interview, candidates in possession of the required credentials should ask for a Skype interview where possible.

As another option there are also various voluntary positions to be found in Israel. Here, degrees may still be required, if for no other reason than to ease the red tape involved in acquiring your visa, a process which should be started well in advance of a potential move. Voluntary jobs may not make you rich, however they will not only allow you to teach in an exciting and historically unique country, but also provide you with enthusiastic and appreciative students.

Though not always offering the highest-paying salaries, and though sometimes requiring qualifications which other TEFL jobs may not, for an ESL teacher who is determined to experience the culture and history offered by “the promised land”, a teaching position in Israel could offer not only a fantastic experience, but also useful new skills to be used in future TEFL jobs.

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