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Kenya Job Listings

Kenya is a culturally rich and colourful country in east Africa. It’s thought to be where humans originated, but today Nairobi, Mombasa and Lamu are bustling and booming business centres. The country straddles the equator, but along with deserts it has snow-capped mountains, lush farmlands and teeming wildlife. Coral-reef lagoons lie off the tropical coast, which is fringed with idyllic white-sand beaches. Go inland and you see why Kenya is famed for its beauty. Mount Kenya, Mount Elgon and Mount Longonot are stunning, and there are plenty of tranquil lakes too.

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Wildlife is one of the biggest attractions, and there are extraordinary nature reserves, such as the world-famous Maasai Mara game park. But seeing the wildlife needn’t be a big and expensive adventure – just four miles from the skyscrapers of Nairobi city centre you can enjoy the Nairobi National Park. It’s a true sun-soaked savannah experience, with everything from lions, leopards and cheetahs, to elephants, rhinos and hippos – not to mention flamingos, giraffes and more. And at the animal sanctuaries nearby you can bond with baby elephants and giraffes. In Nairobi (the capital) you can also still feel some of the romance of the colourful colonial days. While Mombasa is different, as east Africa’s largest port, it’s built up a blend of Indian, Arabian and African influences.

Kenyans are a diverse people, with almost fifty tribes, and over sixty languages – including the main ones of Swahili and English (which is the language of instruction in schools, from primary to university level). Kenya is one of the safest countries in Africa. The people tend to be friendly and inquisitive, and it’s not unusual for shopkeepers you’ve never met before to greet you warmly and shake your hand. A quick and useful phrase to learn is ‘Jambo!’ – Swahili for ‘How are you?’.

The chances of finding paid ESL jobs on the spot aren’t high – better to arrange a contract before arriving in the country if possible. Opportunities are almost all in the larger cities of Nairobi, Mombasa, Nakuru and Eldoret. EFL salaries are not high by international standards, but are sufficient to lead a relatively comfortable life, given the low cost of living. The average pay for TEFL teachers giving private tuition is £6 per hour, and the pay is normally lower with a contract, typically involving 25 to 30 hours of classes per week. Some perks may be included with the ESL contract, including free housing.

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