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Uganda Job Listings

For some ESL teachers the challenges and rewards of working in Europe or Asia are simply not enough. For the adventurous and committed, therefore, TEFL jobs in Uganda may offer the perfect solution.

It should be noted that there are two differing aspects to teaching in Uganda. These consist of teaching within the urban or rural environments which this fantastic African country has to offer.

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For many, the attraction of teaching in Africa is connected to the rural elements which it has to offer. Working in small towns and villages can provide you with a unique ESL teaching opportunity to be close to nature and embraced by the welcoming Ugandan people. With little in the way of teaching resources and large, open classrooms with high numbers of students and a limited exposure to English forming the basis for your courses, teaching in rural Uganda certainly poses its challenges.

English is currently taught in rural towns as a secondary language during the first three years of primary school. The mother tongue of the students is used for instruction in all other subjects. In the fourth year, however, English takes over as the language of instruction. There is therefore a great emphasis on English, which will surely increase in coming years. That there are few paid EFL jobs in rural Uganda is due only to a lack of funding by a government which cannot afford to support ESL teaching assistants.

There are, however, many voluntary organisations which are keen to take on qualified ESL teachers for short or long periods of time. Though such positions will not offer a salary, they may provide accommodation and food. Other schemes ask you to provide a fee to be a part of a unique teaching experience within a fantastic landscape and the most rewarding of environments.

Urban Uganda may offer a different type of EFL situation. Though there are few private language schools and a low demand for paid ESL teachers, you may be able to find work within an international language school. Such schools, normally catering to the rich or expatriated, offer high standards of teaching materials and resources within secure locations. Perhaps not offering a taste of the Ugandan experience which many ESL teachers are searching for, such positions are still highly sought after as they offer competitive and stable salaries. Prospective candidates for such roles are usually expected to hold a degree and a strong EFL qualification.

There are also urban schools and organisations offering volunteer placements. Here, English is used for classroom instruction from the first year of primary school, while there is also more exposure to the language through different media forms, meaning a much greater understanding of the language.

Volunteering schemes in Uganda offer a fantastic opportunity to teach in challenging but rewarding circumstances. You should always examine the contract of a volunteer scheme carefully. You must know what the scheme provides in the way of assistance with visas, accommodation, meals and possible costs.

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