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Uruguay Job Listings

As one of the most secure and stable South American countries, Uruguay is certainly an attractive location for adventurous ESL teachers hoping to flex their EFL skills. Though long-term and highly paid TEFL jobs in Uruguay might not be plentiful, there are certainly opportunities for those with the patience to look.

There is certainly an interest in increasing English in Uruguay. Spanish is the country’s first language, yet increased trade and relations with the United States has meant an increased demand for English in the workplace, while state-run schools have also prioritised teaching of the language.

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There are certainly a range of positions available. The need for professional business English may mean that your school or academy will require you to travel to companies and organisations to teach. This is certainly a valuable experience, and for those with the confidence to teach in such an environment it is usually a satisfying and rewarding one.

Meanwhile, in relation to teaching young learners and children, you may be asked to teach large classes of students within local state-run schools. Materials may not be the most advanced, but neither will they be so limited as to seriously test your capabilities. Teachers who have studied the teaching of large classes as part of their EFL qualification will certainly feel more than prepared for the challenge, and students are usually enthusiastic and keen to learn.

Also, you will be expected to teach general English courses within your academy or school. The efficiency and reliability of academies may vary, so it is worth consulting ESL forums for comments from past teachers, or using an intermediary website to identify reputable positions.

Despite these many possibilities for work it can be difficult to find a full-time contract. You may therefore have to find several positions. Even then you cannot expect to earn more than a moderate salary, though it may be possible to supplement your income with additional private lessons. This one disadvantage may be the reason that many ESL teachers prefer to enjoy Uruguay for a short period of time.

Degrees are rarely required, though a strong EFL qualification is essential if you want to secure a contracted position within a reputable school. Peak hiring periods are from February to March and July to August. Schools may advertise positions online or through intermediary websites. However, the majority of positions are only found once you are in the country. The decision to go to Uruguay to find work should not be taken lightly; you should first identify which city offers the greatest number of possibilities and then budget for at least four to six weeks.

There are ESL jobs to be found in summer camps, as well as some volunteer organisations which offer brief periods of work. Such possibilities may enable you to decide if you are sufficiently keen to search for long-term TEFL jobs in Uruguay. The country can certainly provide a rewarding short-term EFL experience for the adventurous ESL teacher.

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