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Somalia Job Listings

Somali and Arabic are the most commonly spoken languages in Somalia, however, English is also commonly used and taught, meaning there is a need for ESL/EFL teachers in this East African country.Unfortunately, a long history of political unrest and current violence means that travel to this region is currently not recommended for foreigners and great caution should be exercisedif travel to the area is required.The former British colony of Somaliland, which now operates as an independent country and has its own government, is considered far more stable and travel to this area is a safer option, although care should still be taken. As such, TEFL jobs in Somalia are not recommended as a first option for ESL teachers.

Extreme poverty and political instability mean that Somalia is not considered a tourist destination and TEFL jobs in Somalia are not a popular choice for teachers.However, it does have a rich and interesting cultural history, including a strong musical and folklore tradition. It is also architecturally unique, featuring stone cities, pyramid-like structures, mosques and castles from both ancient times and more modern periods.

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As a Muslim country, Somalian food is halal and alcohol is not served.Rice is the staple grain and usually makes up the main part of the dish, with various spices adding interest and flavour.Flat breads, millet porridge and spiced milk are also common, although meals are generally simple and based on basic staples.Fruit such as bananas and dates may be consumed if available and sweet confections made with honey are served at special events such as weddings.

Due to the current political situation and danger associated with travel to Somalia, there are presently few ESL/EFL teaching opportunities.Some employment may be available in Somaliland, however this is usually at universities or private schools and is likely to require a formal teaching qualification in addition to a TEFL qualification.The few TEFL jobs in Somalia that are available tend to offer return airfares, accommodation, health insurance and a small salary equivalent to around £2,000 per year in return for 10 hours of ESL teaching per week, plus preparation time.

At the current time, teaching English in Somalia is not a preferred option for ESL teachers. Countries such as Tanzania may offer more opportunities for both paid and volunteer positions in a safer environment.

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