Online TEFL Certification

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If you are reading this, you must be able to read English, so you can probably speak it too. Maybe you enjoy languages and always got good marks for English at school. Maybe you enjoy reading. You probably have a blog. But have you ever thought about Teaching English as a Foreign Language? We know being able to speak English is not the same as being able to teach English, but it could still be a viable career option for you.

Interested? Well then, you should think about doing a TEFL course. Doing a TEFL course will earn you a TEFL certification which is your passport to a TEFL job. That’s right, sign up for a TEFL course and soon you could be jetting off to India to teach English to a class of future international cricket players.

Where can you do the course? The one option is to find a school in your area that offers the TEFL course, but if you live in a small town or in a remote area you might not be able to find one. The other option – and this option suits everyone, no matter where they live – is to do an online TEFL course. Doing an online TEFL course will lead to TEFL certification just like any other course, so there’s no reason not to do an online TEFL course.

In fact, there are many reasons why you should do an online TEFL course. It’s convenient in that you can do it anywhere, anytime, even if you have a fulltime job. It’s individualised because you can deal with the subject matter however best suits you and you don’t need to spend time on other students’ difficulties. If you find that you are struggling, it is also possible for you to chat to an online tutor who can help you with whatever problems you are having.

What can you do with TEFL certification? Well, this is where it gets interesting. Having TEFL certification qualifies you to teach almost anywhere in the world. You will be qualified to teach different ages and different aspects of English: Conversational English, Academic English, Business English – the list is endless. You will be qualified to teach in a school, university or language centre, teaching group classes or 1-to-1s.

Basically, having TEFL certification is a way to travel the world, teach English and get paid. If you enjoy English and language, then you’ll probably find this is one of the most enjoyable jobs you can have. Even if you haven’t considered teaching as a career, think about doing an online TEFL course and you could soon be taking the first step on the adventure of a lifetime.

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Accreditation & Quality Assurance

The TEFL Academy was the world’s first TEFL course provider to receive official recognition from government regulated awarding bodies in both the USA and UK. This means when you graduate you’ll hold a globally recognised Level 3 (120hr) Certificate or Level 5 (168hr) Diploma, meaning you can find work anywhere and apply for jobs immediately.

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