ESL English teacher for Kids & Teens in Education First Wuhan (EF Wuhan)

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Date Posted: 15th March 2022

EF Wuhan employs about 100 foreign teachers and 400 local employees, we provide ongoing support to ensure a comfortable, insightful life both in school and living in one of the most fascinating countries in the world.

China > Wuhan


  • Salary
    up to $2600 per month
  • Degree Required
  • Recruiter
    EF Wuhan
  • Description
    Founded in 1965, EF Education First is now the world’s largest privately-owned education company. Today EF Education First has over 52,000 employees, teachers, and volunteers. With over 600 schools and offices in 114 countries, EF has turned the world into a global classroom.

    EF Wuhan is one of the most well established EF franchises with 9 schools located in the central areas of the city. Each school is modern and well equipped, boasting current technology, interactive whiteboards, full Wi-FI coverage, and bright, innovative classroom design. Our schools use EF’s own courses and materials, for teaching students aged 3 to adult as well as some corporate clients.

    EF Wuhan employs about 100 foreign teachers and 400 local employees, we provide ongoing support to ensure a comfortable, insightful life both in school and living in one of the most fascinating countries in the world.
    Teachers are provided with continuous training and professional support, with opportunities for promotion to a senior teacher or Director of Studies for those wishing to stay in the city for a longer period of time. However long you stay here, you can be sure to feel both challenged and well supported.
    Teaching English with EF Education First is an experience you will never forget.


    Teaching English to kids in China ages 3-17 in groups of up to 14 students
    Planning and delivering lessons to children
    Using electronic media and EF-developed courseware to teach English efficiently and effectively
    Evaluating student progress and providing ongoing guidance for improvement to both students and their parents
    Assigning and evaluating out of class exercises
    Participating in social activities with students organized by your school to encourage oral English proficiency

    Salary and Benefits:

    (Local average salary in Wuhan city is 5300RMB/month)
    Monthly gross pay (Net after-tax) :16,000RMB (entry-level) -18,000RMB (experienced)
    Breaking up as follows:
    Base Salary Up to 15,000 RMB/month NET base Salary (Commensurate with level of experience)
    Housing Allowance 2500RMB/month housing allowance and logistics support for finding an accommodation (or Live in EF apartment without housing allowance)
    Quarterly Bonus Appraisal 1500RMB/quarter
    New Student Sign Up 50RMB/student
    Flight Allowance 9000RMB flight allowance for a 12-month contract
    VISA Paid Z-visa and residence permit
    Holiday 22 paid day’s holiday per year
    Health and Insurance Paid medical check and health insurance with Aetna
    TEFL sponsored foreign experts teaching license
    Resign Bonus Contract re-sign bonus of 3000RMB for 1-year contact and 10000RMB for 2 years contract (3 months ahead of the contract due date)

    Other Benefits

    Airport pick up (transfer fee covered!) and year-round logistics support from our experienced HR team
    Paid Mandarin tuition and ongoing Language Learning support
    Paid monthly social and team-building events
    Paid initial onboarding and training/Ongoing Regional and In-center CPD/Paid entrance onto the Cambridge TKT

    Promotion opportunities in our ever-expanding franchise those who want to develop, we create the opportunities to do so!


    Bachelor’s degree
    A TEFL level 5 Certification
    The ability to obtain a clear background check
    The ability to live in Wuhan for at least one year
    Applicants must be citizens from an English-speaking country such as the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa to meet China’s visa regulations


    9 schools in the central area of Wuhan city
  • Benefits
    • Salary
    • Training
    • Visa
    • Travel
    • Bonus
  • Requirements
    • Level 5 TEFL certificate
    • Fluent in English
    • Bachelor’s Degree
    • Police Check
  • Date Posted
    21st September 2020

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