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TEFL courses in Ireland

The TEFL Academy has courses running every month in locations throughout Ireland. The TEFL Academy is Ireland’s leading provider of combined level 5 TEFL courses, regulated by Ofqual (UK government) and internationally recognised.

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The course consists of 10 hours of face-to-face tuition and 158 hours of online independent learning which will allow you to gain a deeper understanding of the TEFL industry. This combined approach makes sure your qualification will be internationally recognised by all TEFL employers. On completion of the course, you will be fully qualified to teach children and adults, so you’ll have endless opportunities for employment across the globe. You can choose jobs based abroad or here in Ireland.

The aim of the classroom course is to understand the basics of TEFL and benefit from group learning and peer feedback. Your professional EFL trainer will build your confidence to a level where you will feel confident standing up in front of your first class. The online part of the course covers the theory of TEFL in more detail, such as teaching methods and grammar, and consists of eleven mandatory units. Eight out of the eleven units are exam-assessed and three are course-assessed. You have up to 6 months to complete the course, but the average student completes the course within 4–6 weeks.

The TEFL Academy’s course is designed to cover every aspect of teaching English, from lesson planning to applying for your first TEFL role abroad or online. It is one of the most in-depth TEFL courses available, passing on the most information in the shortest time frame possible.

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Accreditation & Quality Assurance

The TEFL Academy was the world’s first TEFL course provider to receive official recognition from government regulated awarding bodies in both the USA and UK. This means when you graduate you’ll hold a globally recognised Level 3 (120hr) Certificate or Level 5 (168hr) Diploma, meaning you can find work anywhere and apply for jobs immediately.

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